Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Bounding on the Billy Goat Trail

We usually make an effort to explore out-of-the-way locations, alternatives to the more commonly visited sites of the Washington D.C. metro area.  But, sometimes a popular site is popular for a very good reason.  One such example is the Billy Goat Trail A.  The trail head is a short hike south from Great Falls Overlook on Olmsted Island.

Prominent signs warn passersby that this is a strenuous hike, one that requires sturdy shoes and good balance.  In that respect, it is understandable that the trail is named after billy goats.  Although none live on the land, one can easily imagine ease with which a billy goat could traverse the rocks and cliffs.  Agility is key for this hike, and that's why the Crazies so thoroughly enjoy it.  They love the scrambling and conquering of each rocky outcrop.  Their parents enjoy it for the great views of the Potomac, the birding, and the good workout.

On our most recent visit to the Billy Goat Trail, we saw several examples of wildlife that make the area home.  A pileated woodpecker, sunbathing skinks, a pair of indigo buntings, and a northern parula.  Unfortunately, we did not get a photo of the later bird (look it up!).  The tiny warbler preened, fluttered, and bathed delightedly in close proximity to Mom and the youngest Crazy, both of whom were equally delighted.

The Crazies scaling a rock wall on Billy Goat Trail A.
Female (front) and male (back) broadheaded skink.
View of the Potomac river from the trail.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Big Day

While visiting the Crazies's grandparents in Houston for Christmas, we, the parents, decided to challenge the Crazies to a Big Day.  We headed east towards High Island, TX, one of the birding Meccas of the North America, with the goal of seeing at least 50 different species of birds.  The kids quickly warmed to the idea, and began trying to identify birds shortly after passing downtown Houston on I-10.

As it turned out, we never made it to High Island because we took a detour at Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge.  There we walked and drove around the refuge, the kids eagerly taking turns with binoculars, looking for alligators and birds, and recording our findings.  Before we knew it, the orange and pink of sunset was spreading across the sky, and our Big Day was coming to a close.  By the end of it, we had seen 63 different species of birds.

A sampling of some of the more interesting birds we saw on our outing:
Vermilion flycatcher
American kestrel
Marsh wren
Flock of red-winged blackbirds
Finally, on a related adventure to Brazos Bend State Park, we had an unexpected sighting: roadkill, a feral pig!